So you've spilled something else on your laptop...

Maybe a cup of tea (thats my weapon of choice), coffee, soda, milk, beer, not gonna say? Ok well. The main problem with these liquids is that they are going to make your life very sticky and gooey once it dries.

  1. Turn your laptop upside down until all excess liquid drains out.
  2. Remove the keys (if possible). Note - try to remember where they go...
  3. Clean everything as best you can with a Qtip and denatured alcohol.
  4. Leave to dry for a few days.
  5. Turn it on and hope.

For a Desktop Keyboard

If you are brave, try washing your keyboard in the dishwasher...

...hey! It might work. Have a look at the Youtube video below.
The fineprint - If you decide to wash your keyboard in the dishwasher I commend your bravery. I also take absolutely no responsibility whatsoever if it doesn't work anymore once you do it.