Warning! Do Not Do Any Of The Things On This Page

If you are reading this page, watch out! You are obviously looking online for a solution to your spill and that is a VERY DANGEROUS proposition. Why? You have no idea if the people out there have any idea what they are talking about. In fact, how do you know I know what I'm talking about? I could be leading you astray... Very astray.

Things You Should Not Do To Your Laptop or Keyboard

  1. Do not use a hairdryer on it - I know it seems so intuitive, wet keyboard >>> use hairdryer. Only do this if you don't want your laptop anymore because you can actually MELT your keys..
  2. Do not microwave it - If you do, please make sure you video tape it and upload it to Youtube and send me the link. 
  3. Do not turn it on 'just to check', it will probably short out or explode!
  4. I'll leave it up to you as to whether you want to wash your keyboard in the dishwasher or not...